Sunday, October 24, 2010

Medical Matters

When someone in my family got sick, my grandmother would make her "voodoo tea" and make us drink it. Amazingly, it could cure just about anything and didn't taste too bad!
Here's the recipe:

2 cloves of garlic
one thumb-sized piece of ginger
1/2 teaspoon red pepper
1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Chop the garlic and ginger and boil in water with the red & black pepper for 20 minutes. Pour into a mug and add the honey and lemon. Drink slowly.

What traditional ways do you know about for getting/staying healthy? Please write them in the comments!


  1. Hi,Matt!I'm Masumi Horie.I'd like to answear this question.
    Japanese people eat "rice porridge" when they get sick. It is very easy to assimilate,so they can eat it easily even though they have no appetite. They gradually recover their health because they take nourishment by it.

    See you next class!

  2. Hi,Matt!I'm Chie.
    I heard tamagozake is good when you are sick.
    It is made from sake,eggs,sugar and ginger.
    When you drink it, your body get warmer and get will. But its taste isn't good.
    See you next class.

  3. Hi,Matt! I'm Tatsuya Takarabe.
    Let me answer your question.

    I heard that wrapping welsh onion around one's neck is good remedy. I have never tried it, but many people say that it is effective remedy, so when you are in bad condition it is worth doing.

    See you next class.

  4. Hi,Matt!I'm Hitomi Iizuka.
    My mother taught me that "yakimikan" is effective for a cold."Yakimikan" is the sathuma which is roasted till it turns black.The point is eating it with its peel.I have done so and the taste was bitter.
    See you next class!

  5. Hi,Matt! I'm Akiko Yamanobe.

    When you are sick, wrapping your neck with grilled green onions help you recover.
    It is an old way but some Japanese still do this way.

    See you next class.

  6. Hi,Matt! I'm Toru Sugisaki. I would like to answer the question.

    When I got sick, my mother made "kudzu water". It made me healthy. It is easy to make kudzu water. You need only three materials, kuzdu powder, hohey and water. First you put kudzu powder in the cup, and put water to dissolve the powder. Finaly, you mellt honey in the water. This drink gives you relief for your sick.

    See you next class.

  7. Hi, Matt!
    I'm Ayuka Niwa.

    I have heard that the "shougayu" is good to get healty.
    It is a hot water with slice ginger.
    Drinking it has made you hot, so you get healty.

    See you next class.

  8. Hi!I am Saki.
    My grandmother used to wrap a green onion around her neck.According to her, it can get a bad cold better. Although she said and did so, I have never tried it because I can't stand its smell X( Recently, however, I have been seen she do so.Anyway, I want to use a green onion as a food!

    See you!

  9. Hi,Matt! I'm Namiho Yamaguchi.

    My groundfather often tells me to eat many kinds of vegetables and sleep well to stay healthy.

    Since I came to Tokyo, I have tried to do as he says.
    Then, I can stay healthy for 7 months!
    I will continue this way from now on.

    See you!

  10. I'm Namiho.
    I'm sorry. I missed a spell!

    groundfather >> grandfather

    See you!
