Saturday, May 15, 2010

Giving Compliments

Next class we will be learning how to give and receive compliments. Please answer ONE of the questions below:

1. How do you feel when someone says, "Your English is really good!" What do you say to them?

2. When might this be a compliment? "Oh, you're looking fatter!"

3. In Japan, when do you give someone a compliment? What might you say?


  1. Hello! I'm Tatsuya Takarabe(M5).
    I would like to answer the question 1.
    First of all,I would be doubtful about it.
    I would say to them that Oh,really? why did you think that? I think that you might not feel good on my English. You might flatter me.
    Because I don't feel confident of my English.

    That's all.See you next time.

  2. Hello! I'm Masumi Horie.
    I would like to answer the question, 1.
    When someone says, "Your English is really good!",I feel very happy, but suspect this is flattery because my English is really poor!So,I say to them that"Thank you,but your English is better than mine,so your English is really really good!"

  3. Hi,Matt!
    I'm Saki Takahashi.
    I'd like to answer the question 3.

    For example,
    my mom cuts her hair and likes it.
    Then she asks me "What do you think?" with smile,
    but I don't think it suits her very much.
    However, I don't want to hurt her
    because she likes new hair style very much.
    So I'll say "Yeah,it looks very nice!"

    Like this,I give someone compliments
    when I want them to feel good or
    I don't want to depress them with my words.

    That's all:)
    See you next week!

  4. Hi,Matt! I'm Namiho Yamaguchi.
    I would like to answer the question 1.

    When someone says that my English is really good,I feel very happy!
    I think I can study English harder thanks to the compeliment.

    That's all. See you next week!

  5. Hello,Matt!
    I'm Mana Hasegawa.
    I would like to answer the question 2.

    I have a friend who is too lean.
    He always says that he cannot put on weight ,though he eats so much!
    The other day,I said to him"oh,you're looking fatter!" ,even if I do not think so.

    I think it is important to praise a hard worker,because he or she can feel more motivated.

    See you soon!

  6. Hi,Matt!I'm Hitomi Iizuka.
    I would like to answer the question1.

    I won't be pleased so much because I have no confidence in my English skill.
    I'll say to them "Thank you,but I don't think so.I wish I could speak English more successfully."

    See you tomorrow!

  7. Hello,Matt!
    I'm Ayuka Niwa.
    I would like to answer the question 1.

    When I am said my English is good, I feel so happy but I also feel shame, because I don't have confidence in my English.
    So I will study English hard in order to be able to speak better English.

    See you next class!

  8. Hello Matt!
    I'm Akiko Yamanobe.
    I would like to answer the question 3.

    When I meet one of my friends and she has new belongings such as a bag or stationeries, I might say "Oh, your bag is really cute!! Where did you buy it?".
    I will try to start conversation by saying a compliment.

    See you next class!!

  9. Hi!Mat.
    I'm Toru Sugisaki.
    I would like to answer question2.

    Someone was very very emaciated.He wanted to gain waight in order to built up his phisical strength. He ate plenty of food and trained hard.As a result, he got tough.So when he was said "Oh,you're looking fatter!", he was very happy.

    That's all.Thank you.
    See you next class.

  10. Hi,Matt! I'm Yohei.
    I would like to answer the question 3.

    I will give a compliment in order to keep a good relationship with someone. When a older person say a very boring joke, I might say "Really fun!" If I say so, he might fell good.

    See you tomorrow!

  11. Hello Matt.
    I am Shiori!
    I would like to answer the question3.

    I will give someone a compliment when I want to tell the person that I have a good impression for the person.
    For example,when I think a person is very kind,I might say "You are a good person!"

  12. Hi,I'm Chie Kobayashi.
    I would like to answer the question 1.

    When my friends say that my English is very good, maybe I don't think that they say true thing. Because I have no confidence in my English ability.
    But when my English teachers say so, I'm very happy.
    I think it is importannt that who say the praise.

    See you tomorrow!

  13. Hi,I'm Haruka Tsuchida.
    I'd like to answer the question3.
    When my friends wear new clothes, I'd say "Oh,I love your clothes!"
    Also, when they get hair cut, I'd say "oh, you look prettier than before!"
    I mean, I'd give complements when I find something new about them. When people show something new about ourselves,sometimes they feel nervous because they care others' feelings,so I'd use conplements because complements make them feel confident.
