Friday, June 18, 2010

Unit 10 Cell Phones

We will talk about cell phones in our next class. Please read the following questions and answer ONE in the comments.

1. How long have you had a cell phone?

2. How many calls a day do you make?

3. How many text messages do you send every day?

4. Do you think cell phones are bad for our health? Why or why not?

5. What rules do you think there should be for using cell phones in public or at school?


  1. Hi,Matt!
    I'm Saki.
    I'll answer 5 questions.

    1,I have had a cell phone for 3 years.

    2,Once a day.
    Sometimes I don't make call all the day.

    3,About 10 text messages every day,
    but it depends on the day.

    4,I don't think cell phones are bad for our health. If we use them appropriately,
    they won't give us a bad influence.

    5,We have to make cell phones "manner-mode" in public or at school.

    See you next week!

  2. Hello!
    I'm Tatsuya Takarabe(M5).

    I would like to answer the question No,5.

    First of all,I fell that some people use cell phones in public space without caring attitude,for example,in a train, so it is necessary to keep a rule that when people use cell phones in public space,they should make consideration for other people.

    That's all.Thank you.See you next week!

  3. Hi!I'm Hitomi Iizuka.
    I'd like to answer the question No1.

    I have had a cell phone for nine years.When I was ten years old,I got it.A few friends had had it,so I came to want it and said to my parents "Every friend has a cell phone!Will you buy me it?".At first my parents objected to my request,but bought me it eventually.

    See you next week!

  4. Hi! I'm Namiho Yamaguchi.
    I would like to answer the question 1.

    I have had a cell phone for 6 years.
    When I was a junior high school student, I got a good score on a mathmatics test, so my parents bought it for me. I was very happy!

    See you next week!

  5. Hello,Matt!I'm Mana Hasegawa.
    I would like to answer the question 3.
    I send an e-mail to my friends about fifty times a day especially on the weekend.
    Because I can not meet my friends in my junior high school and high school easily, e-mail is the most easy means for us to tell what happened in our campus life.
    Sometimes when I have a special happening, I call my friends!

    See you soon!

  6. Hi! I'm Toru Sugisaki.
    I would like to answer the question 1.

    I have had cell phones for 9 years. when I was in the fifth grade, I got first one. I have had four ones since then.

    See you next class!

  7. Hi! I`m Yohei.
    I`ll answer the question 1.

    I got a cell phone when I was in the tenth grade. In my high school, most of students had cell phones and teachers sometimes gave us some information using e-mIl.

    See you tomorrow!

  8. Hi! I`m Yohei.
    I`ll answer the question 1.

    I`ve been having a cell phone for 6 years.
    I got a cell phone when I was in the tenth grade. In my high school, most of students had cell phones and teachers sometimes gave us some information using e-mIl.

    See you tomorrow!

  9. Hi! I'm Ayuka Niwa.
    I will answer the question 1.

    I have had a cell phone for 6 years since I was in the first year of junior high school.
    I used a train to go to my junior high school, so I had the cell phone in order to use it if something happens.

    See you next class!

  10. Thanks for the comments guys!

    I just got an iPhone a couple of months ago. I love it because I can use it like a cell phone, an iPod, a laptop, a camera plus I can read newspapers and books on it!

    see you this afternoon!

  11. Hello! I'm Chie.
    I'd like to answer the question1.
    I've had a cell phone for 6 years. My parents gave it to me, when I was junior high school student. But, at that time mostof my friends hadn't have it yet, so I hardly ever used it.
