Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For December 20th

This week choose two topics that you might want to do for your written report and tell us what they are in the comments. Please be specific about your topics!
Also, we have quiz #5 over shopping, ettiquette and town & country.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Town and Country

In the next class we will talk about life in the country and life in the city. Please answer ONE of the questions below.
1. Which do you prefer: living in the city or the country? Why?
2. Is there a place that has the advantages of both the city and country?
3. Have you ever lived in the country? What were the good and bad things about it?
4. What are the good and bad things about living in Tokyo?

Thursday, December 2, 2010


In the next class we will talk about etiquette/manners. Please choose ONE question from below and answer in the comments.
1. Look at the photo of the New York City subway above. Choose a number and tell us what the person is doing wrong. Is it the same for Tokyo subways?
2. In Japan, what topics are NOT ok to talk about with strangers?
3. What etiquette is important for eating in Japan?